RIIAB - Your No. 1 Ticket to Financial Freedom


  • Status: paying
  • Payment Mode: paypal, payza, bank account transfer etc
  • Minimum Startup: $3 (N1000)
  • Category: Matrix
  • Referral Commission: 100%
  • Our Trust Score: 80/100        
What is RIIAB ? Why are you invited to join this Program and how to join.

 RIIAB mean Residual Income In A Box.

RIIAB calls itself a P2P Direct Donation System and claimed to be designed in such a way that

anybody that use it in achieving his financial dreams. Infact, this is the real essence of the program. Residual Income in a Box (hereinafter referred to as 'RIIAB') is a Matrix system but we will be discussing and dealing on the 3 x 4 Matrix system.


It's a system with Member to Member Payment. That means that it is direct payment to personal accounts and not to any third party or admin or internet site.

This system works straightforward like any other online system i have come across.

All you need to be part of it is just N1,000 only. You pay it to the bank account of the person that referred you to the system. That person is the one that will approve your registration after receiving alert of your payment to his/her bank account

When the 3 person join under you, your total earning is N3,000. You will then use the N3,000 to upgrade to level 2. This time the upgrading money goes to the upline of your upline. On receiving the alert of your payment, he/she will now approve your request to upgrade to level 2

In level 2, you earn all the level 2 upgrades of the people in your level 2. They are the downlines of your 3 downlines. They are 9 in number and they will pay N3,000 each to your own bank account. The total is N27,000

You will now use N8,910 out of the money to upgrade to level 3. You pay your level 3 upgrade money to the bank account of your level 3 upline up.


At level 3, you earn a total of about N240,570

Out of that money, you will take about N26,730 and upgrade to level 4. Once the alert of your payment of level 4 is received, your upline who received it will now approve it for you.

At level 4, you earn a total of N2,165,130.

The program ends at level 4. If you get to level 4, you will have to start the system all over again easy as tea.

If you out your heart to work on this, you can generate a total of N2.1million within few weeks.

The implementation of spillovers and spillunders make the system tremendous meaning that if you sign up under my downlines and i have the maximum 3 referrals under me, u will be spillover to my 2nd downlines. Just like that! isn't that nice?

You need Just three people to work with and three people also get their own three people and continues

level 1 = 3 people

level 2 = 9 People

level 3 = 27 People

level 4 = 81 People

upgrading fee on each level

level 1=#1,000

level 2=#3,000

level 3=#8,910

level 4=#26,730

Your income on each level

level 1=#3,000

level 2=#27,000

level 3=#240,570

level 4=#2,165,130

Note :-

money is paid into members by members account or collect by cash in this business.

This is wow, isn't it ?

It's just N1,000
Any body can afford that
If u get 3 people now u move to the 2 level
Very fast network.

Hurry now and sign up by visiting www.residualincomeinabox.org/?ephraim4me now to enjoy spillovers from me.

NOTE: Constant spillovers from me is not guaranteed but i promise that you will definitely be filled in.

Keep promoting and keep referring. You will be at the top at no time.


  1. Nice post Ephraim sunday. I love the writeup. not bad. I will just use this link to sign. hearing from u soonest...


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